Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fate's Melody

The song weaves through the air

The sharp sounds blending into the flowing

The loud boom into the soft whisper

Back and forth this playful bickering travels

With unexpected twists and turns

The peaceful lullaby becomes a roaring rage

The soothing sonata transforms into a forceful fright

The joyful toccata morphs into the grimmest depression

Happy staccatos jumping

Mournful legatos drawn out

Hands dance across the keys black and white

With a single movement

And swift decision’s press

The entire mood changes

Surprise fills the listeners,

Who must always be alert,

For the unexpected changes to be found

But only the pianist knows for certain

Only he controls his hands

The dancing musicians that flutter lightly

Or pound angrily upon the ivory and ebony steps

Each producing a new musical step

Looking back,

Is life not the same?

Each and every person

Living their lives upon the piano’s keyboard

And fate sits at the bench

Hands and fingers ready to compose another piece

All await anticipating fate’s new melody

To play out before us

Music to our ears

News blissful or melancholy

Notes long or short

Times more difficult than others

Each new sound is beautiful

Because it means that we are still a part of the song,

A part of life

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you write beautiful, deep poems (and songs).
    Your my inspiration
