Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hypnotic Hallucinations

Walking the earth

Believing all is normal and well

That nothing has changed

And all is reality and truth

Believing all that lays before you

Floating on air

Skipping through meadows

Spinning in the rain

Facing the heavens

Laughing, filled with joy

Head in the clouds

Dreaming with eyes open

Seeing as no others see

Hearing as nobody else hears

Feeling completely free

People worry you’ve completely lost it

That you’re a lunatic

That you should be locked up

That you’re drunk and drugged

People are only half right

You are drunk, drunk off your high spirits

You are drugged, drugged by love

You are high, high off joy

You are insane, insanely happy

You see things in a new light

This perspective which others fear,

They fear to be different

They fear to step away from societal norms

They fear to see things another way

Tied down by their fear of being wrong

Instead they heed naught of others

Remaining close-minded and enclosed

Hiding in the confines of one’s own cage

Built to keep others out, but traps them in

As well, blocking any reviving thoughts

Dying as a breed,

Weakening the human race

Bigotry, arrogance, and prejudice

Empty the heart into cold emptiness

Poisoning the brain with invisible venom

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