Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Fleeting Jailbird

Fleeting footsteps fall

Upon pavement in the hall

Steady sounds pounding

Barefoot and running

Looking back for none

Heading towards the sun

Despite the angry clamors

Behind you from the slammers

Never going back

To the voided black

Bare and alone

Nothing but a pile of bones

Hunger has eaten flesh away

Solitary emptiness has led mind astray

Driven to the brinks of insanity

The silent killer in humanity

The roaring barks of canines

Fiercely on your tail, malign

Along with the whistles and shouts

Of guards alerting the other scouts

You push further towards the gates

Key to your freedom and your straits

The bars that kept you in captivity

Now towards them is your proclivity

Must get out and as far from here

To start a new life without such fear

Wrongly accused of doing such crimes

But not a word heard through evil times

Feet pound constant upon rocky earth

Apathetic to nature’s mirth

Sharp stones cut jaggedly into skin

Leaving bloody stains where you’ve been

The sweat upon your brow descends

Along your cheek it transcends

Meeting an end at your chapped lips

The saltiness stinging like slashes of whips

Flick of the tongue rids the saline sweat

Yet inside you continue to fret

The dryness of your mouth growing

But you keep on going

Past the iron gateway

That caged you in, for you to decay

Into the world grandiose

Full of choices in immeasurable doses

But all that matters in this moment

Is to get to that extent

Legs tiring out, but will pushes on

Fleeing into the horizon, gone

Creating a new identity

Living in peace and serenity

Absent from the ominous confines

Of a cell darker than the deepest mines


  1. Hey Vanessa, this one does a pretty good job of capturing the emotions and psychological state of an escaping prisoner. You also carefully selected your word choice. I like it.
