Thursday, April 15, 2010


Simply strolling

Silently thinking

Seemingly unaffected

By the turns of the heads

As always, never ceasing

People to gossip cling

Muffled words thrown around

Empty of the truth each sound

Still, walking, head high

Passing confidently by

Not a single tear,

Whimper, or sign of fear

That is merely at a glance

The outer shell, the only chance

If the truth they knew

The act is through

The brave and courageous,

The certain and outrageous

Simply put in authenticity,

Timid, afraid, and hurt in complicity

The whispers tossed about

Brought a confidence drought

Tired of expectations and lies,

The only protecting shield, my guise

Continue striding proudly,

Laughing it off loudly

Surrounded with people genuine,

Repairing the destruction within

1 comment:

  1. Really Nice, a lot of feeling.
    My Favourite part is the beginning:

    "Simply strolling
    Silently thinking
    Seemingly unaffected
    By the turns of the heads"

    I like the rhythm it has when I read it.
