Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Feather of a Rainbird

Pitter patter comes the sound of the rainbird
Landing upon your porch and roof and sidewalk
Splish splash their wings taking off heard
Only to perch a few seconds away to taunt and mock

What is this contradictory creature
Untamed by any intruder?
No tangible scales, hair, or fur
These feather light touches are even falser

This bird come here and again
Migrates with the wind and breeze
Clouds are their homes at every bend
Shifting and morphing with such ease

Why do they carry such sounds of sorrow?
I cannot answer because I know not the trill
I only hear the cheery pitter patter and chilly blow
Of wind that brought them near my windowsill

Why do they come during the gloomiest of grays?
I would not be certain as I watch only their flight and descent
Accompanied with a splish splash and feathered spray
That never seems to get neither damaged nor bent

In my hand, I try to lift a gentle feather
But with me it cannot seem to stay
Out of my hand, it continues to flutter
To meet with its companions til the arrival of rays

So adaptive to the minds and ambiances
Environments, habitats, and realities it creates
Real is only what it is and becomes as it dances
And the swirls of color and lack of it baits

The symphony and silky feather touch lure
But run your hands through and it’ll keep steady path
Trickle, drip, drop, flood – always part pure
So light and trance fulfilling, yet pounding full of wrath

A feather of a rainbird like any feather
Tickles soft and lands with an unmatchable flow
But is a pound of feathers to a pound of rocks any lighter?
Time to meet your rainbird and let your pattern show

Friday, July 15, 2011

Your Soul's Sole

This is my Original Prose and Poetry (OPP) piece from the last school year (2010-11) for Speech and Debate... Now that I'm done competing with it, I've decided to post it up for you all to read. Of course it's not quite the same as me performing it, but it should be an interesting read anyway. Enjoy!
I.                   Teaser:
Schelly: HEELS!
Mattie: HEELS!
Karcyn: HEELS!
Damon: HEELS!
Fiona: HEELS!
II.                Intro:
Shoes, Shoes, Shoes
Aisles filled with way too many to use
Occupying department stores
Then there are those dedicated to even more!
Sneakers, Sandals, Slip ons
But we all know HEELS are the greatest turn-ons
Or possibly for some,
An omen of doom to come
Heels with their endless appeal
For your problems they are sure to heal
Or are those simply lies
Evil and death in disguise?
Soon we’ll all discover
A use for such and another
In “Your Soul’s Sole”
A Vanessa Wu Original
III.             Body:
Schelly: I was always bullied throughout my childhood – teased for being the shortest of my class. I could easily blend in with the younger kids – those who were 9, 8, even 7 years old – when I was in junior high. As we got older it just got worse and worse. Shorty Schelly had gained herself a reputation as the miny munchkin. I got called names, shoved inside lockers, into trash cans, and tossed around. But nothing was ever as bad as today. All of the above. PLUS now… I am cornered in this dark alley with a ton of scary jock girls. A sweet looking girl steps to the front and, for a second, I let myself hope that she’d try to help … but she turned to them and said in a sickly sweet voice, “Leave the shrimp to me, I’ll take care of EVERYTHING.” She turned on me then with an evil smile upon her angelic doll-like face and assaulted me with her high heels. They dug into my flesh, tearing me apart, and all I could feel was pain. And then… Nothing.
Mattie: When I was younger, I loved to play with dolls and everyone still thinks I AM a doll… well… I’m SICK of it. I found a way to vent this tension by having my dolls attack each other –dolls talking: “Hello there, little girl. Well, don’t you look like a doll?” “I’m not a doll!” “Aww, what a cute voice to go with your cute face! Such a doll-like girl MUST be sweet.” “I am NOT! I’ll show you! DIEDIEDIEDIEDIE!”-… but soon, it wasn’t satisfying enough anymore. So when I saw all the jock girls pushing around this midget of a girl, I came up with my master plan. Everyone thought I was innocent anyway… so I would get away with anything! I took advantage of that little black alley and pulled off my heel to use as a knife so I could finally fulfill my nightly dreams of slashing across skin and gouging out eyes, but sirens rang and a cop pulled up, followed by an ambulance to take her to the hospital. The officer’s deep green eyes darted between me and the girl unconscious on the floor. He hesitated a moment, not believing such a sweet looking girl could have done something like this. But with her being so puny and passed out and me grasping a bloody heel, my self defense excuse didn’t pass so well… I should’ve thought this through some more…
Karcyn: Heeeeey! Looking good! They see me rollin’ and they hatin’ and they’re trying to catch me ridin’ dirty and they’re trying to catch me ridin’ dirty and they’re trying to catch me ridin’ dirty and they’re trying to catch me ridin’ dirty (Chamillionaire)Ah! That party was like so HOT! Mm.. and those guys were like smokin’! and they like totally couldn’t like keep their eyes… and their hands… off me… SO totally lovin’ these new stilettos! Aww shiz! The cops are like on my tail! Better pull over and put these sexy stilettos to use! He walks up to me and tells me to step out of the car to walk in a straight line. No way am I like gonna get like written up for a stupid DUI! I totally didn’t walk straight but his deep green eyes were like on my swaying hips and sexy legs. Thank god for my hot bod! I bent over to pick up my purse and I was like totally off the hook!
Damon: God! My big sister is amazing. You would not believe what that girl can do with a pair of heels. Never underestimate the power of heels OR Karcyn! Her hot bod and her hot clothes combined can get any guy to do anything. She’s the one who showed me the power of clothes. She’s the reason I dress the way I do now. She was, is, my inspiration for my fashion masterpieces. Speaking of which, I need some new heels! I pull Fiona, my totally feminist BFF, off the couch and to the shoe store we go! Even though she despises heels, we go way back, so she won’t mind coming with me!
Fiona: I was just flipping through channels spread out on Damon’s couch like I do practically every day. And then, Damon decided he just HAD to get some new heels. Why did Karcyn HAVE to show up with her latest shameful scandal?! She is a disgrace for caving into conformity. I remember when Damon and I used to play in the mud and wrestle. Then one day, he insisted on dress up instead. Now he just asked for his shoe size for some hideous excuse of shoes and the salesperson handed it to ME! Can you imagine?! What is her problem? Do I seem like the type of person who would wear heels?! These things are an oppression of women, so she can’t run from man! At least Damon is breaking down stereotypes…
Schelly: I’m out of the hospital! Time to go buy some heels to fix my whole height issue… oh look! Damon’s here! He’s so cute… and he’s even accompanying his best friend shoe shopping! Oh right! My height remedy!
Mattie: Ugh! Mental rehabilitation is such a waste of my time… They should have realized it wouldn’t have any impact on me anyway… Ah well, time for a new pair of weapons of mass destruction!
Karcyn: I like really can’t let my lil bro get like all the fun… shopping and shoes WERE like MY expertise first, yaknow? Even sexier me like totally coming up!
Damon: These are perfect! They’ll make my newest outfit mind-blowing! I’ll look fantastic… maybe even as good as Karcyn!
Fiona: Ugh… those are death traps… Why must he insist on heels? Out of the millions of shoe choices he could’ve gone with… -sigh- I’ll never understand boys…

Midnight Fever

At the soft darkness outside cast a simple glance
Just one look for your mood you enhance
Still awake and busy or more like starting
Because all day you walk around sleeping

But now in the depth of the night
Where almost every soul is tucked in, out of sight
Your music turns back up from its earlier silencing
Your mind now reels and is racing

Who says the night is dead?
Who prefers the bright morning instead?
Who fears its endless jaws?
Who takes apart its beauty and finds flaws?

They are at loss because they have not lived
They expect each aspect to give, give, give
They have yet to be awakened by their own drive
They have yet to catch midnight fever or catch alive