Friday, March 26, 2010

Artificially Organic

Feeling nothing whatsoever,
Yet everything simultaneously
Pain and hurt through every endeavor
Hope for numbness, a constant plea

But proximity’s range,
Encloses ones held in endearment
Who deserve not this exchange
So it’s shoved into containment

A seemingly genuine bounce in step,
Brilliant smile that lights up the day,
Encouraging words full of pep,
But the eyes – endless, hopeless grey

Glancing in a hurry,
Depicts the illusion
Of not a single worry
A misfortunate delusion

Those in propinquity of heart’s reality
Know of the deceitful pretense
And together they ache in totality
Knowing naught to infiltrate the defense

So the artificially organic bliss ensues
Façade impenetrable
Countless numbers it shall confuse
Only self-healing held accountable


  1. great thoughts from such a young mind! Write-On!

  2. You are quiet amazing! Thanks for sharing :).
