Sunday, March 28, 2010

Blank Page

Cared too much,
Felt too much
Worries and anxiety won over
Caved in to the pressure
Crashed systems unreachable

Slate wiped clean,
Devoid of feeling
Apathy consumes the body
A plague sweeping through
Numbing the senses

Knowing naught and caring naught
A wall constructed to guard
Wanting not to suffer again,
To think of all the aching
Forcing others out

Nothing matters anymore
Life ceases to exist
Mentally shutting down
Until nothing reaches heart or mind
Unresponsive and unmoved

Passive and indifferent
Fading of all will
Motivation lacking
Zero actions taken
Not a word spoken

Friends and family bedridden
Filled with concern
Fretting to agonizing ends
Feeling all which was once felt
Faintly recalling what once was

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