Friday, June 18, 2010

White Lies

Can’t believe that I couldn’t see your lies,

Couldn’t tell what was true

Stared me straight in the eyes

And didn’t falter through and through

Your words but a disguise

False care you displayed

You brought upon yourself this demise

How gullible to fall for such a façade

Told yourself it was only a white lie,

Miniscule and unimportant

Thought you were going to try,

But guess I should have caught the hint

One twist of the truth

A small exaggeration

Only an unnoticeable bend

Just putting a bit of a spin on reality

But who you hurt the most wasn’t me,

Though I look back and wonder

Why you chose to deceive

A terrible blunder

In the end, it goes back to you

You lost my trust and belief

I bid you adieu

You aren’t worth my grief

1 comment:

  1. I love the last verse(:
    But then again, I love the whole poem.
