Monday, June 14, 2010

Thoughts Intergalactic

Staring at the ceiling every night wondering what is above me

Imagination consumed by the dark sky engulfing meteors

Flying by so much faster than my human eyes can possibly see

That chance of emerging myself in space, simply a blur

How would it be to dwell in the space above?

Looking down here would seem so much further

What is up there that I would hate, that I would love?

But I would be able to see this world so much clearer

So unlike what I'm accustomed to would it be

Would the buildings on the moon be craters?

At a loss without my land, grass, flowers, and trees

Rocks and sandy dust doesn’t match the comfort of the waters

If only our own planet Earth weren’t so boisterously deafening

I could settle away from crowds in comfort, simply thinking

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