Thursday, January 27, 2011

Edge of the Void

The clock keeps running down
Each minute engraves a frown
Every second wipes it clean
So the fatigue is never seen

The insistent ticking of the watch
Reminds you of all you splotch
Psychotic and brinking on societal norms
You swear you shall change all and reform

The glass shape curves and shines
But all you hear is others whine
The sand dripping, your silent friend
Each grain passes is another towards an end

The fears and anxieties of countless others
Upon yours you take on and smother
But what reality remains course yet dull
Beats furiously upon your skull

Why worry of such trivial matters?
Why take all the trash and the batter?
Nothing could ever make you sadder
Than believing the former rather than the latter

The edge of the void creeps and draws you in
But you shake your head because that’s where you’ve been

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