Monday, January 17, 2011


I want to be the one you come to
In your time of need, want, pain, and bliss
I want to be the one you trust true
In all times whenever and whatever it is

No matter what, I’ll be here
No matter what they think and say
I’ll never turn my back, my dear
I’ll never leave and walk away

I’m here as long as you wish for me
I’m here each and every step of the way
We’ll fall once, twice, a million times to be
We’ve met and are, now I’m here to stay

As a genuine friend ought
I’m putting my heart and trust in you
Not stressing when we may have fought
Because that’s not all we’ve been through

Each walk down a separate trail
We may seem to split apart and forgotten
But don’t let these illusions blur and prevail
We lasted and shared all treasured and rotten

Decades or seconds when you want to start
I’ll be open and sitting here still
With ready arms and a steady heart
Let your reality, thoughts, and tears spill

Cry and rant until no more can come
And although I cannot do much but listen,
I’ll do what I can to keep hearing your heart’s drum
Because your smile and life makes everyday glisten

With each breath since we met
Our futures have been intertwined
My purpose has been set
Because I’m promising, signed

Hearing I’m your confidante makes my lifetime
And it sets me at ease knowing you’d be mine

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