Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Satanic Waltz

Music trills at three-fourths tempo time

Pairs moves smoothly through routine

Stepping steady and strong with the song

Dancing along, partner at hand,

Ballroom at foot, wide and smooth

The notes and steps together held

Alike with the hands of dancers plenty

Aligned lovely a sight to behold

Waltzing so sweetly in partner’s strong arms

And then a sudden twist ensues, disrupting

Although they all carry on cue

And the course seems hitch-free

As the candid photos capture their movements

Seemingly beauteous and pure

But the sweet is combined with corrupted dark

Black magic sweeps down upon couples unwary

Drowning the brightness and blockading the light

Darkening the mood of party-goers aplenty

Dooming each pair as they circle and weave

Despite how well kept their steps remain

Around the floor, they waltz oblivious

Able in moment as to waltzing but naught else

As Satan seizes their minds, bodies, and souls

Aching and sore but uncertain to why

And again the darkness sweeps downwards

Evil death plagues each dancer’s eyes

Eating way their souls, gone

Evolving now swiftly, diminishing to ever less

Entering the hellhole reeking of stench and heat

Each foot deeper into the pulsating depth of the core

Nonstop falling into the boiling mass

Newt’s eye taken, dragon scale stolen

Nagging tongue cut in, spider webs tossed in

Never grow old nor live again

Not anything except an eternal existence

Given up souls and going to hell

Grasping the past as it’s gone for the wishes

Those that no genie or fallen star could ever grant

Turning in desperation to devilish fiends

Thinking naught of consequences come yet after

Satan’s deal closed, signed and done

Serving him through sand-less land,

Waterless seas, and tree-less canopies

Where searing pain starts amongst the heated storms

Burning Lucifer’s mark into flesh, tattooed with each step

Relief he brought rushes past before thine eyes

Realizing the truth and reality upon you

As ends now meet and reach

Rearing scalded at facts you overlooked

Ripped and shattered at the lusting want cheated

Moment of bliss, barely enjoyed

Brought from the wishes and desires engraved

In mass produced thoughts filling majority’s mind

Marketing well amongst meek and simple men

Who all seemed to think it through, only to be mauled

Servitude begins and never ends

Signed away a life after life

Which cannot even be considered living

A death worse than death itself

A satanic waltz of three-fourths time with Lucifer himself

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