Friday, August 6, 2010

Catching a Falling Star

Feeling doubt and questioning fate
Engulfed in darkness from afar
But clinging on to the hope late
From catching a falling star

Skies flicker with lights
Wishing on the first star sighted
On one shooting across in flight
Amongst midnight planes piloted

Awaiting the magical properties
Of dreams and fairy tales come true
Star dust not only from a mythical species
Altering the negative view

Even if these are deceiving
Even if already knew surreal
Having such superstitions driving
Having such brings hope of steel

Eyelash undone
Eleven eleven time struck
Each birthday candle done
Earnings tossed in hopes of luck

Fallacy from childhood formed
Maturing, knowing otherwise
But to these we’ve still stormed
Momentarily content in such lies

Something so familiar
Such that is so routine
Sliver of hope remains closer
So keep aiming to catch that falling star

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