Grotesque pasta curlicues and pretzels
Splayed on display from the cavern wide
Dripping and drying in the afternoon sun
Flattened and scrapbooked upon gravel pages
Glued down by last breathes spit and blood
Saliva driveled: mix of garbage and soil
From the hollow of the jaw cracked wide
Open at the most uncomfortable angle
Disturbing the pedestrian passersby
Jaywalking the yellow stripped gravel-y grey
Looking down away from the height
Of the height glaring, competing with the stare
Blank and endless found beady upon
Expression-filled emptiness
Stomach’s contents gushing to join the page
From the door anew beneath the slender pouch
Alike its sister intestines born from jagged jaw
Past yellowing claws of teeth and matted fur
Blending with the curl of tail underneath
All the guts, the endless whorls
Left on this board as a new puzzle
From the nocturnal night roam
Scavenger lone hissing at the approacher
Slow to move as always, until
Frightened into stationary shock
Frozen and unable to escape
Blinded and silenced by vehicle unwary
Soundless shrill seen still
In the morning come and morning past
High noon evolves and mourns angrily
Waves of temperature from its temper
Quick the travelers afoot led
To the death site, heads down
Forced to mourning by rays relentless
Bashing and whipping burning light
So that eyes meet the gore and opossum’s
Death glare and silenced yelp
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