Monday, July 26, 2010


Birdless skies cloudy and grey
Until a single torpedo flits past
One lone sparrow darting above
Cutting through the heavens

Wings moving flutter fast
Suddenly pressed tight close
Shooting through the air bullet brave
Slicing through air smooth as water

Out of the twigs and leaves
Away from the feather padding
No more regurgitation
Goodbye feeding

Pushed and shoved
Prodded and snipped
Tough love and what has to be done
Hard as it is, it is inevitable

And the image in mind
Morphs externally
But captures the true soul,
The real life struggles and cycle

Of all life
Of not only the flocks of birds
Of not simply humanity
Of an often incomplete group

Animals branch out
Down lines of ancestral roots
Sprouting buds of floral décor
Growing fruit amongst the leafy green

Becoming diverse and unique
Aligned through a common point
Invisible to the naked eye
Solid to the mental scope

Pushing through each day, facing each blow
Looking towards the newer
Looking back to the familiar
Pushing out the nest, facing nothing but now

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