Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sharing the Skylight

The clock has not yet chimed twelve,

It hasn’t reached noon,

Yet high with the fiery sun,

I spot the glow of the moon

I look in amazement,

I ponder the thought,

Why did they choose cooperation today,

When for attention they usually fought

The sun’s bright beams shined all day,

The moon smiled silently through the night,

To one another, nothing to say

Until today, all they did was fight

This morning, though,

I looked upon the sky

And say the two hand in hand,

Tired of being malicious and sly

Instead of provoking one another,

Or hogging the stage

They stood together

Sharing the fame and wage

The wage of our looks

Of admiration and awe

When glancing up from our work and books,

There seemed to be not a single flaw

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