Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Rusty Oil Rags

Wrestling and restless
Tossing and tumbling
Hands slip and loss of grip
Body come crumbling down
Head crashes flat and loud
Rendezvous with table corners
Jagged point stabbing pound
Instant assault and rebound

Rusty aromas paint the room
Metallic and gory
Splash and slash the skin
Scrape the skull
Shredding soft spots
Opening the floodgates
Bloody droplets mat the hairs
Follicles clinging tight and bound
Together in messes drying solid

Rags pressed on head
One new after yet another
Band-aids sticky and watered down
Would do naught but stick to the hair
And bring more tears and pain
A painful hurt that cannot be patched
So simply as an open first aid kit
Soaking up the liquid rust
Eating supernatural fluid rushes

These rusty oil rags tainted
These rusty oil rags dizzying
These rusty oil rags tear-inducing
These rusty oil rags tossed aside
These rusty oil rags hidden
These rusty oil rags secret

We cannot let it be found
We cannot let them know
We cannot let death win
We cannot let anger hunt
We cannot let fury attack

Instead these rusty oil rags must burn
Instead we light the evidence
Instead we inflame in turn
Instead we’re infernos in this instance
Instead these rusty oil rags will churn

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