Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Stale Stepping Stones

The walkway crumbles in cracks
The driveway plastered time again
The stream sings a song of sorrow
The river roars at the loss
The tiptoe stepping across each
Brings a note of music
Recalls a walk with euphoria
Before spiraling into nebulous
Nots and knots

Staying clueless and ignorant
Staying that happy child
Skipping across the waters
Dancing across the front yard
Tripping and laughing
Smile upon smile on the floor
Giggling up fits over nonsense
Oh how ideal that distant memory sounds
But reality you must make it seem
Kept and never lost between the ropes and stones

Stumbling and tripping upon rocky decay
The staleness gathering moss and mold
Musty messes caress the innocence
Of the stepping stones
Walking upon a crack
Fearing you’ll break your mother’s back
Watching the cement and gravel
Deface your neighborhood street
Listen to the songs and gurgling of waters
Happily flowing before the destructive maelstrom
Stomach knotted from all the nots and cannots
Placed and piled before us as we age and mature
Past the simple bedtime and vegetables
Tapping upon the hourglass, turning the tables
Ignorant bliss up in scorching flames
And drowned in hailing torment

Before noticing the older beauty still existent
Beneath the crusty face of stale stepping stones
By taking out some patience, time, and a moment
Building up each day, holding us up, our life’s bones

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