Sunday, September 16, 2012

Awareness Subpar

This is my version/interpretation of Carl Dennis' poem "The God Who Loves You."

Imagine a god who loves you
And knows your every what if
Imagine a god who knows you
And loves what could have been

Wouldn't it hurt this god to sit and watch?
As you go about your job and life and death - ignorant?
Wouldn't it hurt this god to know and see
As you choose paths subpar to your potential and possibility?

Does it haunt you not knowing
The what-ifs and what-could-have-beens?
It does haunt him knowing
The could've, should've, and would've beens

Where does he sit
But at the back of your head, nagging?
Where does he pace
But in your heart racing?

But are you aware of his existence?
And are you aware of your existence?


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