Monday, April 26, 2010

Self-Destruct (song in progess)

this is going to probably be turned into a song in some time...

From my own single spot upon this earth

I watch and cringe at what has come to be

Flinch at the animosity and mirth

Wept for past love despite adversity

I wish that I could save you from yourself

But the world tumbles to a rapid end

Nobody cares, nobody notices

Nobody gives a damn about others

Slipping into darkness of ashen hearts

Falling deeper to lands of no return

Unable to make your way towards the light

Unable to distinguish wrong and right

Staring, gawking at those less fortunate

Simply entertainment, nothing real

Sure and certain that it is all for show

Shows the extent of what you really know

Ignorant and defiant bigotry

All eyes sealed shut and refusal to see

Wide open yet nothing gets to the brain

Wondering if we’re all really still sane

When we turn our backs, turn the other cheek

On our brothers, sisters, family, friends

Where we have no one left when help we seek

The world known swiftly rushes to its ends

Time runs out, time flies past, but no one looks

Too absorbed in themselves to open eyes

Too engrossed to notice the endless lies

Time ticks by, a bomb on humanity

I wish that I could save you from yourself

But the world tumbles to a rapid end

Nobody cares, nobody notices

Nobody gives a damn about others

Through the eyes of our ancestors deceased

Looking on the havoc and apathy

Feeling shame and so unrelatable

Have times truly changed, so noticeable?

When back then, nation would bind together

Through war, hate, slavery, and better times

Stuck with each other, each brother, sister

All were unified under one nation

Standing in unities unbreakable

Stronger in numbers immeasurable

Striking for the rights of our fellow friends

Sticking by each ‘til the ultimate end

I wish that I could save you from yourself

But the world tumbles to a rapid end

Nobody cares, nobody notices

Nobody gives a damn about others

Watching closely as society dies

It swiftly, painfully, streams down the drain

Rapidly, hastily, dripping away

Unlikely noticed and unlikely saved

This path of doom not in stone yet engraved

By ourselves foolishly were we enslaved

By our own hands we brought upon our deaths

Enmity and greed consumes every day

The twisted truth emerges as we watch

Closely observing realities here

Noticed finally, moments from too late

Evils unintentional, dirty slates

How masochistic and egotistic

The mass of communities have thus grown

Watching on and doing none, crimes go on

As not a part, not empowered at all

At an everyday school filled with people

Bullies pick on helpless kids, defenseless

Broken and bloody with purple bruises

People gather around to see the fight

I wish that I could save you from yourself

But the world tumbles to a rapid end

Nobody cares, nobody notices

Nobody gives a damn about others

In a local park as gang rape ensues

People gather around, circling the crew

But no one speaks up, no one calls the cops

Watch the victim scream, cry, and slowly die

I wish that I could save you from yourself

But the world tumbles to a rapid end

Nobody cares, nobody notices

Nobody gives a damn about others

In the diner where you frequently go

A teenage girl sobs and protests, helpless

Now forced into polygamous marriage

Illegal, true, yet it’s ignored, dismissed

I wish that I could save you from yourself

But the world tumbles to a rapid end

Nobody cares, nobody notices

Nobody gives a damn about others

Feeling like there is nothing you can do

Believing that you can make no difference

Thinking that you have no power or right

Belittling yourselves into passive parts

I wish that I could save you from yourself

But the world tumbles to a rapid end

Nobody cares, nobody notices

Nobody gives a damn about others

I fear our future if any at all

I worry that the few left will be gone

That those few who believe will disappear

That tomorrow will never truly come

That the days to come will drag on endless

As void and abhorred, as icy darkness

That days of the past will never return

As a memory which won’t resurface

I wish that I could save you from yourself

But the world tumbles to a rapid end

Nobody cares, nobody notices

Nobody gives a damn about others

But times more unfortunate hover now

As nobody is willing to step forward

To speak up for others, complete strangers,

Because it was right, because you should have

And each will tear another down, apart

Dismantled physically and mentally

Emotionally unsalvageable

Stripped of all sympathy and compassion

I wish that I could save you from yourself

But the world tumbles to a rapid end

Nobody cares, nobody notices

Nobody gives a damn about others

I wish that I could turn the world around

But it falls faster into ruins, gone

Nobody cares, nobody notices

And nobody gives a damn any more

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