Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Murmuring Crow

The murmuring crow gets little respect
And much fending off and neglect
Along with their raven brothers
Counted as bad omens and bothers

Their black shining coats found too dark
Would much prefer colorful plume or even white stark
The murmuring crow chased away - never kept -
With words, sticks, stones, and rampant steps

Met with such apprehension, disgust, and sorrow
The murmuring crow thought to tell of bad tomorrows
Found in dreams of disappointment, death, and loss
From the shadows and underworld they cross

Slaughter-greedy, dirty, and brooding they’re said to be
Even worse, they mask the skies in masses ceaselessly
Noisy and cacophonous from their perches surrounding
The murmuring crow far from murmurs in its proud cawing

The murmuring crow thrives still – but how?
Naught from a curse demons and witches endow -
The murmuring crow, mysterious, defensive, and ingenious,
Safe in a team protective, adventurous, and curious


  1. I love your poetry!
    This one in particular I find to make an important statement.
    The statement as I see it, could be how we often see things not with our own eyes, but through the eyes of everything we've been told.
    We let what others say about things, effect ultimately how we experience them.
    Sometimes this can be positive, or it can be negative.
    Well written!

  2. Thanks! It's great to know there are people out there who are reading and appreciate what I'm putting out.

  3. Of course! That's the purpose of art! To be shared by all!

  4. aha. It's what I'm going for, but sometimes I start to wonder; yaknow what I mean?
    So thank you for your comments and support! ^^

  5. I definitely know what you mean!
