Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Feather of a Rainbird

Pitter patter comes the sound of the rainbird
Landing upon your porch and roof and sidewalk
Splish splash their wings taking off heard
Only to perch a few seconds away to taunt and mock

What is this contradictory creature
Untamed by any intruder?
No tangible scales, hair, or fur
These feather light touches are even falser

This bird come here and again
Migrates with the wind and breeze
Clouds are their homes at every bend
Shifting and morphing with such ease

Why do they carry such sounds of sorrow?
I cannot answer because I know not the trill
I only hear the cheery pitter patter and chilly blow
Of wind that brought them near my windowsill

Why do they come during the gloomiest of grays?
I would not be certain as I watch only their flight and descent
Accompanied with a splish splash and feathered spray
That never seems to get neither damaged nor bent

In my hand, I try to lift a gentle feather
But with me it cannot seem to stay
Out of my hand, it continues to flutter
To meet with its companions til the arrival of rays

So adaptive to the minds and ambiances
Environments, habitats, and realities it creates
Real is only what it is and becomes as it dances
And the swirls of color and lack of it baits

The symphony and silky feather touch lure
But run your hands through and it’ll keep steady path
Trickle, drip, drop, flood – always part pure
So light and trance fulfilling, yet pounding full of wrath

A feather of a rainbird like any feather
Tickles soft and lands with an unmatchable flow
But is a pound of feathers to a pound of rocks any lighter?
Time to meet your rainbird and let your pattern show

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