Thursday, November 8, 2012

Public Eye

I wrote a poem
and someone asked me if it was about you,
but from you, my mind and I do roam;
we are not stuck together by invincible glue.

I reread my words
and asked myself why that question was automatic.
Was it not my own voice and experience heard?
I guess it could apply to anything really, thought based in specifics.

I rewrote my life
as I moved myself away from what was,
but that’s still a part of my past strife –
not only in glimpses and fuzz.

Why does public eye choose what gets over-blown?
Am I no longer a person on my own?

Cons of Your Pros Not Cons

Generator running
Back-up power switched on
Elevators moving
All of the pros and almost none of the cons

Just a week off to vacation and explore
Some wind and rain outside
“What’s the big deal?” you implore
We have a place to reside

But leave it anyway to go out and about
Where is the media getting its hype and clamor?
There’s always another route
Get out of town, walk around, enamor

Have you cared though to look?
More than out the window and down a few feet?
Through laughing eyes and the camera lens nook?
To the blocks shut down, evacuated, drowned and beat?

Generator running – but so are you
Back-up power switched on – but perception switched off
Elevators moving – but is your upper floor functioning true?
Pros for you and cons for them – all that’s in common: a common cough


You questioned mine

Why would I spend my time and money
Other than on myself, to wine and dine?

Why would I choose to pay to go overseas
To give aid to those whose lives aren’t as fine?

You say I have a good heart and generosity
But then you say to care for my success first – that’s the bottom line