Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Butterfly Wings

Go home and write
a page tonight.
And let that page come out of you-
Then, it will be true.

My name, Greek meaning butterfly
My childhood interest, butterflies
My name, simply an overlying umbrella sly
My childhood interest, spread much wider before my eyes

The allure of the butterfly wings enchanting
Its vivid colors vibrant and alluring
The complexity and simplicity so intriguing
Its frail frame and delicate grace flitting

Much like them, I’ve come to realize our selves follow
In complexity yet simplicity, vibrant yet delicate still
I grow observing the nature of nature unfold from depths and shallows
And know that I, like many more, make of myself what I will

I flutter through the crowds of people, watching, listening, and being
From all the experience, observation, emotion, and secret
Told in confidence and kept in confidence can truth and reality ring
For us to learn as I have, to learn from mistakes, but neither fret nor regret

From my position as a butterfly on the wall and amongst the fields
Of people with their gossip, drama, and troubles
Of nature with its placid differences, yet a parallel which it wields
Of silence with myself, reflecting in the serenity and anxiety that doubles

From all that I see, hear, learn, and am told, I intake
All the vivid colors spread through the skies and before my eyes
Sheltered under my sly umbrella, these are what I shall undertake
Reacting with delight, horror, expectance, and surprise

In the form of all that I do, speak, and create, I partake
Through my actions, art, and words – spoken and written
I build up, create, lose, and find myself for mine and others’ sake
Showing who, where, what, when, and how I was, am, and will have been

The butterfly wings drew me in and hold me there still
But that is only in my mentality and heart for otherwise I wander
Through my mind and body walking and searching for lives to fill
Much like the vivid black upon white butterfly wings of this page yonder

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Origami Heart Syndrome

Said I’m flimsy and paper folded
So thin of a covering on a drum
Ripped through easy and scolded
But I’ve got Origami Heart Syndrome

Said I’m boring and two dimensional
Doesn't even matter if I come
Because nothing new ever becomes vocal
Oh, the Origami Heart Syndrome

Said it’s been seen and been done
Nothing special, almost scum
Laser unpowered, not even on stun
It’s the Origami Heart Syndrome

Said its all repetition and creases
Easy drunk with servings of rum
All interest just ceases
Suffering from Origami Heart Syndrome

Said to you that I do from hope
Each simple craft stability and mind shall succumb
But you can’t see out of your own little scope
Such a case of Origami Heart Syndrome

Said I’ll be filling box after box to the brim
And beyond until the feeling in my thumbs are numb
They are precious and paper cut through the grim
For this is my Origami Heart Syndrome