Saturday, September 18, 2010

Judge Me

Complete strangers
Possibly have met just now
But already lingers
This label on me you endow

What was this impression summoned from?
My face, hair, eyes?
Was it because of where I’m from?
Or the way I said hello; so now it must be goodbye?

Either way it’s engraved
Near impossible to erase
Forever in your memory enslaved
From this one foundation and base

But how do you know what to decide?
So certain so early on?
By what rules and regulations do you abide?
Are we simply in a game as simply pawns?

Is there something we are destined to be?
Is it how we are to be?
Is it who we are meant to be?
Is there no way around what people expect us to be?

Even if we are not at all what they believe
They won’t be completely swayed otherwise
Thinking we have something to hide up our sleeve
That we’re in one of our multitudes, a complex disguise

When you haven’t even gotten to know who I am really,
When you do not see what is below the surface level,
When you think my entire life’s experience shows externally,
When you pinpoint me with your judgment disheveled

Already you think I’ve done wrong
Pulling me aside with “reasonable” reasons
That right given to you and another taken from me – if it was even there all along
Because with this profiling, who’s to be sure of anything – let alone judgment’ seasons?

From such insecurities of differences
Afraid of those not just like you in beliefs as well as appearance
Displaying strongly your preferences
Because your views are shadowed by your bigotry and ignorance

So go ahead and judge me
But I won’t keep it at heart
Because opinions such are yours don’t matter, you see
Your definition does not define me, not even a part

I know it makes you feel better about yourself
But it shouldn’t to bring down others as pariahs and monsters
When you cannot even accept your faults on shelf
No criminal act outside could erase these blunders, no matter what you’d prefer

In time reality will catch up to you, down to each muscle and bone
And you liable ways spanning to every degree
As you cower in the shadows in fear to have a real opinion of your own
And you look back and notice your judgment was misplaced – but it’d have no matter to me

Go on and don’t hesitate as you judge me
Brand me whatever brutal thoughts you hold onto
But in the end the mockery trickles in with the potpourri
Of the misconceptions that I won’t take the agony to view

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Explosive Renewal

Situation expected from the very start
Knew it was coming after your heart
Certain to appear, but when?
Guard dropped momentarily, and then

Blunt and honest; why drop clues?
Upfront and direct; why not if it’s true?
Striking at the heart bandaged from rips before
With sharp stabs that dull and then hit the core

Water collects at the rims
But with a hard swallow, dims
Knowing that it hurts others to see you cry
That they hate the sight of your tears, so you try

Achieving what has not ever before
You cry no more; what is wrong?
Nothing evokes those watery streaks
No matter what emotion from inside sneaks

Feeling everything and nothing simultaneously
All and none at the same time explosively
Confusion sets in, but naught else would
Lingering on not as it should

Emotions built up a firewall
To pick and choose from the ball
Of eternity at once, cluttered
Pounded together, yet still fluttered

Negativity held back
Trying to fill that spot you now lack
Channeling that pent-up anger to production
Channeling that happy relief to laughter

Sadness escapes past the guards for a moment
Brings a wrenching pain’s descent
But no tears fall, ability temporarily lost
Starting that day, emotions combined and crossed

Feeling so fake and surreal
From such control; what was the earlier appeal?
Drawing on emotions; simple crops to pick
Shutting away, pushing aside any painful kicks

Mentioned at all, throbbing pain
Seen at all, continues to strain
But knowing other’s happiness, lightened
A smile forms, rejuvenated and enlightened

An entire lifetime crammed in,
Into the short test of time therein
Closer than most others would ever, could ever, be
Reborn and reincarnated into a new you for the world to see

Friday, September 3, 2010

Halfway to the Start

Always believing the lowest
Trusting the insecurities
Following the negativity
That eats away at the brain
And the mind blanks out to all
Not the paranoia and fear
Of selfish claims and ulterior motives
That nothing is true
And there is naught to be certain
About and be caught by
Once falling face and back down
Blind and vulnerable
Guards and wall won’t ever drop down

And we were at the start
But now we get pushed further
Back to the negatives
Past point zero
Terrified and needing a comfort
Holding on to unsure distrust
Gone in time to a place with no
Trust, hope, or belief in
The good of human kind’s
Heart and pureness
Through the tainted lives
We live day by week
By month and year

Forever and eternity apart
Nothing to do except trust
Nothing to change but everything
Nothing to believe in but reality
But trusting nothing
And changing nothing
And believing only worries
We become infinitely further
From the beginning
The start is miles and centuries lost
And we’re halfway to the start

But we waver yet again
Facing the fresher world
Of dry yellow grass
And shaded eyes
And whispered exchanges
And solitude of self benefit
So the distance close splits
Yet again to another half
And we’re yet another halfway
From the start

Such disbelief and anger
Never subsiding
And wallowing in filled silence
Tense and breakable
Snapping in small pressure
Unable to be anything but incomplete
Relationships slashed
Homes burnt in fury
And frozen in ice
The match of lava and hail
Meeting halfway,
Halfway to the start